Radio Samaa, MAP's Recommended Web-Radio for a Pious, Spiritual and Pure Ramadan Experience

MAP's Radio Samaa provides listeners around the world with a journey into the world of spirituality through a set of songs of a very popular musical genre, especially in this period when man seeks to detach himself, as much as he can, from the material world to reach depths and essences.
During Ramadan, Radio Samaa comes to offer a space of recollection, allowing to bring spiritual intensity to its peak for the great happiness of those who want to all-purely go to meet God through decisive stages of prayers, communion, concentration, chants and celebration of God and His prophet.
Those who are on this path will find in this radio station essential contributions likely to sublimate their desire on the right path towards God.
MAP's Radio Samaa presents texts interpreted by famous Munshids (chant interpreter), with a rich and diversified content including religious songs, God invocation etc., to satisfy all tastes.
Radio Samaa is available on It is also available on Play Store and Apple Store, as an independent application, or in an application gathering all of MAP's eleven music-themed web-radios, launched as part of MAP's new approach to diversify its cultural products and to promote national heritage's richness.
In this way, through simple Internet connection, Radio Samaa is all-time accessible at home, at work or in the car. Ramadan this year will have, with this new web-radio, a new taste, full of piety, spirituality and purity.